

I'm Chelsey. Wife. Mama to three. Interior Designer. Passionate about all the details that make life beautiful. Thanks so much for stopping by!

XO, Chelsey

Pear Pomegranate Salad

Pear Pomegranate Salad

As much as I love delicious soups and pumpkin treats in the fall, I also love a good salad, so I came up with this pear pomegranate one that is a good healthy meal and I think it's just perfect for the season.  This is really quick and easy to put together, the only thing that takes time is toasting the walnuts, so you can have it for lunch or dinner and even add chicken to it if you'd like.  It tasted really light and fresh with this dressing, so hope you love it as much as me!


1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon honey

1/3 cup olive oil

salt and pepper, to taste


2 romaine hearts

1 head radicchio

2 apple pears

1 cup red walnuts or regular walnuts, toasted with butter and sugar

1 cup pomegranate arils

crumbly bleu cheese

Whisk together the ingredients for the dressing and season to taste.  Toast the walnuts in a small sauce pan on medium heat with a little butter and sugar, then set aside to cool.  Chop the romaine, radicchio, and apple pears then combine together in a large bowl.  Top with the pomegranate arils and toasted walnuts.  Lastly add some crumbly bleu cheese on top and the dressing, then toss together and enjoy!

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