Toddler Meal Time
Feeding a toddler can be tricky sometimes. I'm sure I'm not the only mom out there that feels like just when you think you are getting the hang of a certain stage then your child changes all of a sudden and it's a whole new learning curve for the next stage and probably when you get into a great routine things will change again - it's just how it goes! I think that feeding your little one is so much like this as you learn to breastfeed and then if you switch to formula or introducing solid foods and then getting rid of a bottle and going to cows milk and feeding them every meal or trying to figure out what baby food to make/buy and find something they like. Capri has always been a good eater, but I feel like it's gotten harder as she's getting older and I worry about finding healthy options for her and if she's getting enough nutrients. The trick is finding the right thing that she likes and also reminding myself that she'll eat when she's hungry so don't over think her not finishing her food. The good thing is that she's open to trying new foods, but of course when I find something she loves then the next week she doesn't love it so much! So I have done some research in trying to find great meal ideas for toddlers and in doing so I discovered Re-Play Recycled Tableware for kids. I have been using it for the past month with Capri and I really love it! First off, it's great that the products are made in the USA and from all recycled plastic, but also everything is super durable, cleans up really well and comes in great colors. They have every product you need for your little one including all kinds of sippy cups, big kid cups, divided plates, bowls, utensils, and snack containers that are also stackable. I really would recommend them! Capri also loves it too because before I would just put her food on her high-chair as I've always done and then she ended up playing with it/throwing it on the floor, so with these great bowls and divided plates she loves feeding herself from all the little compartments since she's big into doing everything herself these days [anything that makes them feel like a big kid helps]. And if you are looking for some good ideas to feed your little one like me, I have a list of some things that I found are healthy options Capri will eat and they are quick and easy for me. And please let me know if you have any suggestions of what works for you because I am always looking for some good mom advice!

yogurt parfait [yogurt, granola, and a little fruit on top]
scrambled eggs
hard-boiled eggs
pb & j on wheat bread [I use natural peanut butter and sugar-free jelly]
berries [capri will always eat fruit! strawberries, raspberries, blueberries]
apple slices with peanut butter or string cheese
turkey roll ups with avocado and tomato
veggies with hummus [capri loves dip with anything so hummus is perfect to get her to eat veggies]
dried fruit [craisins and banana chips are her favorite]
grapes [try frozen too]
cheese quesadilla with shredded chicken
grilled cheese sandwiches [I've tried adding tuna and tomatoes and usually she likes it]
tableware - re-play recycled c/o | hat - baby gap | dress - baby gap | tights - gap kids | shoes - nordstrom